主要学术成就: |
青藏高原多圈层的相互作用,导致陆表水文循环及其演变趋势模拟和预测异常复杂。近年来主要成绩包括:(1)基于高寒流域地表多圈层互馈理论,构建了青藏高原多圈层水文监测网;创建了适用于高原河流日径流遥感反演的方法体系。(2)基于焓的理论突破了传统临界温度法计算冰水相变时的不稳定问题,创建了青藏高原多圈层水文模型。(3)结合观测和模型首次计算得出青藏高原河流出山口径流总量;系统揭示了高原不同气候主导区河流径流和湖泊水量的变化特征和机理。 已发表学术期刊论文126篇,含SCI 103篇(第一/通讯56篇)。其中,近5年SCI论文51篇(第一/通讯34篇),中文核心论文6篇(第一/通讯4篇)。 Web of Science: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/B-3113-2019 2024年2月23日:总被引4346次,他引3960次。 |
研究方向: |
多圈层(大气圈-生物圈-冰冻圈-水圈)水文过程、分布式水文模型、气候变化 |
教育经历: |
1998.09—2002.07 清华大学水利系水利水电建筑工程专业本科学习 2002.09—2004.07 清华大学水利系水文水资源专业硕士学习 2004.10—2007.09 日本东京大学土木系水文气象专业博士学习 |
工作经历: |
2007.10—2008.03 日本科学技术振兴机构博士后 2008.04—2010.03 日本东京大学土木系博士后 2010.04—2010.11 日本东京大学地球观测数据统融合连携研究机构助教 2010.12—2011.08 日本东京大学地球观测数据统融合连携研究机构副教授 2011.08–今 中科院青藏高原研究所研究员(中科院“国外引进杰出人才”计划) 2014.01–今 中科院青藏高原地球科学卓越中心特聘研究员 2015.04–今 中科院大学岗位教授 2017.07–2020.03 中国科学院墨脱地球景观与地球系统综合观测研究中心(筹),执行主任 2020.04-今 中国科学院青藏高原环境变化与地表过程重点实验室,副主任 |
学术与社会任职: |
2008—2010 “JICA中日气象灾害合作研究中心”专家组成员。 |
科研项目: |
(1) 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类):“地球大数据科学工程”专项:“时空三级环境”项目之“三极水与生态时空动态“课题,课题负责人,2018-2022。 (2) 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类):泛第三极环境变化与绿色丝绸之路建设专项:“西风与季风相互作用和水资源变化”项目之“亚洲水塔变化及其影响”课题“西风-季风区径流变化及其影响”子课题,子课题负责人,2018-2023。 (3) 国家自然科学基金重点项目:“西南河流源区径流变化和适应性利用”重大研究计划“气候变化驱动下雅鲁藏布江冰川冻土植被协同变化及其径流效应”,项目负责人,2018-2021。 (4) 国家自然基金重大研究计划集成项目: “西南河流源区径流变化机理和未来趋势”,参与,2021-2023。 (5) 国家自然基金面上项目:“党河上游寒区水文过程的观测与模拟研究”,项目负责人,2016-2019。 |
获奖及荣誉: |
(1)中国青藏高原青年科技奖(2018),中国青藏高原研究会。 (2)全国向上向善好青年(创新创业类,2018),共青团中央。 (3)全国优秀科技工作者 (2016),中国科学技术协会。 (4)中科院“国外引进杰出人才”计划终期评估优秀 (2016),中国科学院。 (5)国家青年拔尖人才计划 (2015),中共中央组织部。 (6)国家优秀青年科学基金 (2013),国家自然科学基金委。 (7)清华大学优良毕业生 (2002),清华大学。 (8)清华大学“伍舜德”综合一等奖学金 (2001),清华大学。 |
论文列表 |
(1) Ruishun Liu, Lei Wang*, Zhongjing Wang, Xiuping Li, Deliang Chen, Jing Zhou, Jia Qi, Yuanwei Wang, Chenhao Chai, Guangpeng Wang, Haibang Xiao (2024), Cryosphere-hydrometeorology observations for a water tower unit on the Tibetan Plateau using the BeiDou-3 navigation satellite system, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, in press. (2) Lei Wang*, Hu Liu, Ranjeet Bhlon, Deliang Chen, Junshui Long, and Tenzing C. Sherpa (2024), Modeling Glacio-Hydrological Processes in the Himalayas: A Review and Future Perspectives, Geography and Sustainability, in press. (3) Yufeng Dai*, Tao Wang, Yongwei Sheng, Lei Wang, Hongbin Chen, Xiaowen Zhang, Xiangyu Li, Weicai Wang, Junfei Wu, Wenfeng Chen, Tandong Yao (2024), Westerly-triggered lake-effect snowfall enhanced with climate warming over the Tibetan Plateau, Science Bulletin, in press. (4) Xiaoyu Guo*, Lide Tian, Lei Wang, Yuanwei Wang, Jing Zhou (2023), Controls of the recent precipitation anomalies in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau: from the perspective of Indian summer monsoon activities and moisture sources, Climate Dynamics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-023-06919-z. (5) Xiaoyu Guo*, Lei Wang, Lide Tian (2023), Spatial distributions and temporal variabilities of the recent Indian Summer Monsoon Northern Boundaries in Tibetan Plateau: analysis of outgoing longwave radiation dataset and precipitation isotopes, Climatic Change, 176, 43. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-023-03522-3 (6) Xiaoyu Guo*, Lide Tian, Lei Wang, Lin Zhang (2023), Spatiotemporal variabilities of the recent Indian Summer Monsoon activities in the Tibetan Plateau: a reanalysis of outgoing longwave radiation datasets. Journal of Climate, 1-36. https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-22-0518.1. (7) Hu Liu, Lei Wang*, Jing Zhou, Maheswor Shrestha, Chenhao Chai, Xiuping Li, Bashir Ahmad (2023), Energy-balance modeling of heterogeneous glacio-hydrological regimes at upper Indus, Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 49, 101515. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejrh.2023.101515. (8) Lei Wang*, Chunqiao Song, Xiuping Li, Tobias Conradt, Mohamed Rasmy (2023), Editorial: Climatic and associated cryospheric and hydrospheric changes on the Third Pole – Volume II, Frontiers in Earth Science, 11:1255039. doi: 10.3389/feart.2023.1255039 (9) Xiuping Li, Lei Wang*, Baoyi Hu, Deliang Chen, Ruishun Liu (2023), Contribution of vanishing mountain glaciers to global and regional terrestrial water storage changes, Frontiers in Earth Science, https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2023.1134910. (10) Xiuping Li*, Lei Wang, Deliang Chen, Lonnie Thompson, Kun Yang, Shiyuan Zhong, Liu Liu, Zongxue Xu, and Lei Song (2023), Large-scale circulation dominated precipitation variation and its effect on potential water availability across the Tibetan Plateau, Environmental Research Letters, 18,074018. (11) 王磊*,刘虎,雍斌,宋蕾,李秀萍(2023),陆地冰冻圈水文过程的研究现状及展望,北京师范大学学报(自然科学版),59(3),489-496。 (12) 王磊*,柴晨好,齐嘉,胡宝怡(2023),陆地冰冻圈变化的水文效应:研究现状及展望,人民长江,54(8), 101-108. https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail//42.1202.tv.20221214.1610.003.html. (13) Yuanwei Wang*, Suheng Wang, Lei Wang, Xiaoyu Guo, Jing Zhou, Chenhao Chai, Jie Xu, Xiangfei Li, Mengtian Fan, Shengfeng Wang, Lin Zhao (2023), Temporal and sptail changes in hydrological wet extremes of the largest river basin on the Tibetan Plateau, Environmental Research Letters, 18, 104006, https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/acf8dc. (14) Yuanwei Wang, Lei Wang*, Jing Zhou, Chenhao Chai, Zhidan Hu, Lin Zhao, Shengfeng Wang, and Mengtian Fan (2023), Impacts of frozen ground degradation and vegetation greening on upper Brahmaputra runoff during 1981-2019. International Journal of Climatology, 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.8057. (15) Li, H., Shan, B., Liu, L.*, Wang, L., Koppa, A., Zhong, F., Li, D., Wang, X., Liu, W., Li, X., and Xu, Z. (2022): Significant regime shifts in historical water yield in the Upper Brahmaputra River basin, Hydrology and Earth System Science, 26, 6399–6412, https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-26-6399-2022. (16) Song, Lei, L. Wang*, Jing Zhou, Dongliang Luo, Xiuping Li (2022), Divergent runoff impacts of permafrost and seasonally frozen ground at a large river basin of Tibetan Plateau during 1960-2019, Environmental Research Letters. 17, 124038. (17) Xiaoyu Guo *, L. Wang, L. Tian, J. Zhou, Y. Wang (2022), Possible widths of Indian summer monsoon trajectories in Tibetan Plateau revealed by the direction of maximum summer precipitation decreases in recent decades. Climate Dynamics. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-022-06446-3. (18) Fan, Xinfeng, L. Wang*, Xiuping Li, Jing Zhou, Deliang Chen, Hanbo Yang (2022), Increased discharge across the Yellow River Basin in the 21st century was dominated by precipitation in the headwater region, Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 44, 101230. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejrh.2022.101230. (19) Chai, C., L. Wang*, D. Chen, J. Zhou, H. Liu, J. Zhang, Y. Wang, T. Chen, R. Liu (2022), Future snow changes and their impact on the upstream runoff in Salween. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 26, 4657–4683. https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-26-4657-2022. (20) Xu, J., L. Wang*, Y. Ma, T. Zeng, M.G. Kebede, X. Li, and Z. Hu (2022), A new approach towards temporal densification of river discharge estimates by filling cloud- and stripe-gaps using Landsat and Sentinel-2 images, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 43(12), 4682-4707, DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2022.2118002 (21) 刘虎,王磊* (2022),第三极地区冰川径流研究进展,冰川冻土,44(3),737-752. (22) Yao, T.*, T. Bolch, D. Chen, J. Gao, W. Immerzeel, S. Piao, F. Su, L. Thompson, Y. Wada, L. Wang, T. W. W. Wang, G. Wu, B. Xu, W. Yang, G. Zhang*, and P. Zhao (2022), The imbalance of the Asian Water Tower, Nature Reviews Earth & Environment. 3, 618-632, https://doi.org/10.1038/s43017-022-00299-4. (23) Wang, L.*, H. Liu, X. Zhong, J. Zhou, L. Zhu, T. Yao, C. Xie, J. Ju, D. Chen, K. Yang, L. Zhao, S. Lu, S. Khanal, J. Jin, W. Liu, B. Liu, Y. Du, X. Yao, Y. Lei, G. Zhang, and S. Nepal (2022), Domino effect of a natural cascade alpine lake system on the Third Pole, PNAS Nexus, 1(3), 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1093/pnasnexus/pgac053. (24) Wang, L.*, L. Cuo, D. Luo, F. Su, Q. Ye, T. Yao, J. Zhou, X. Li, N. Li, H. Sun, L. Liu, Y. Wang, T. Zeng, Z. Hu, R. Liu, C. Chai, G. Wang, X. Zhong, X. Guo, H. Zhao, H. Zhao, and W. Yang (2022). Observing multi-sphere hydrological changes in the largest river basin of the Tibetan Plateau. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 103(6), E1595-E1620. https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0217.1. (25) Yin, Y.*, J. Wang, G. Leng, J. Zhao, L. Wang*, W. Ma (2022), Future potential distribution and expansion trends of highland barley under climate change in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP), Ecological Indicators, 136, 108702. (26) Qi, W., L. Feng*, H. Yang, J. Liu, Y. Zheng, H. Shi, L. Wang, and D. Chen (2022), Economic growth dominates rising potential flood risk in the Yangtze River and benefits of raising dikes from 1991 to 2015. Environmental Research Letters, 17, 034046, https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ac5561. (27) An, B.*, W. Wang*, W. Yang*, G. Wu, Y. Guo, H. Zhu, Y. Gao, L. Bai, F. Zhang, C. Zeng, L. Wang, J. Zhou, X. Li, J. Li, Z. Zhao, Y. Chen, J. Liu, J. Li, Z. Wang, W. Chen, and T. Yao (2021), Process, mechanisms, and early warning of glacier collapse-induced river blocking disasters in the Yarlung Tsangpo Grand Canyon, southeastern Tibetan Plateau, Science of the Total Environment. 816, 151652. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151652. (28) Zhou, J.*, L. Wang*, X. Zhong, T. Yao, J. Qi, Y. Wang, and Y. Xue (2022), Quantifying the major drivers for the expanding lakes in the interior Tibetan Plateau, Science Bulletin. 67(5), 474-478, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scib.2021.11.010. (29) Wang, Y., Wang, L.*, Zhou, J., Yao, T., Yang, W., Zhong, X., R. Liu, Z. Hu, L. Luo, Q. Ye, N. Chen, H. Ding (2021). Vanishing glaciers at southeast Tibetan Plateau have not offset the declining runoff at Yarlung Zangbo. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL094651. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GL094651. (30) Xue, B., D. Helman, G. Wang*, C. Xu, J. Xiao, T. Liu, L. Wang, X. Li, L. Duan, H. Lei (2021), The low hydrologic resilience of Asian Water Tower basins to adverse climatic changes, Advances in Water Resources, 155, 103996. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.advwatres.2021.103996. (31) Y. Yin, D. Lin, L. Wang*, J. Wang* (2021), Mapping the Global-Scale Maize Drought Risk under Climate Change Based on the GEPIC-Vulnerability-Risk Model, International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, DOI: 10.1007/s13753-021-00349-3. (32) 胡宝怡,王磊*(2021),陆地水储量变化及其归因:研究综述及展望,水利水电技术,52(5),13-25. (33) Wang, L*, Yao, TD, Chai, CH, Cuo, L, Su, FG, Zhang, F, Yao, ZJ, Zhang, YS, Li, XP, Qi, J, Hu, ZD, Liu, JS, and Wang, YW (2021). TP-River: Monitoring and quantifying total river runoff from the Third Pole, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 102(5), E948-E965. https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-20-0207.1. (34) Wang, L.*, C. Song, T. Conradt, M. Rasmy, X. Li, Editorial: Climatic and Associated Cryospheric and Hydrospheric Changes on the Third Pole (2021), Frontiers in Earth Science. doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.638371. (35) Hu, BY, Wang, L*, Li, XP, Zhou, J, Pan, Y, Divergent changes in terrestrial water storage across global arid and humid basins (2021), Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2020GL091069. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020GL091069. (36) Liu, L., D. Luo*, L. Wang, Y. Huang, F. Chen (2021), Dynamics of frozen ground from 1900 to 2017 in the upper Brahmaputra River Basin, Tibetan Plateau as indicated by freezing and thawing indices, Advances in Climate Change Research, 12, 6-17. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.accre.2020.10.003. (37) Giri Kattel*, Jessica Reeves, Andrew Western, Wenjing Zhang, Wei Jing, Suzanne McGowan, Lan Cuo, Peter Scales, Kim Dowling, Qiang He, Lei Wang, Samantha Capon, Zenghui Pan, Jiansheng Cui, Lulu Zhang, Luo Xiao, Chun Liu, Ke Zhang, Chuanyu Gao, Zaifeng Tian, Yongding Liu (2020), Healthy waterways and ecologically sustainable cities in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration (Northern China): Challenges and future directions, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Water, e1500, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/wat2.1500. (38) Dai, Y.*, T. Yao, L. Wang*, X. Li, X. Zhang (2020). Contrasting roles of a large alpine lake on Tibetan Plateau in shaping regional precipitation during summer and autumn. Frontiers in Earth Science. 8:358. doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.00358. (39) Song, L., L. Wang*, X. Li, J. Zhou, D. Luo, H. Jin, T. Zeng, and Y. Yin (2020), Improving permafrost physics in a distributed cryosphere-hydrology model and its evaluations at the upper Yellow River Basin. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 125, e2020JD032916. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JD032916. (40) Yuanwei Wang, Lei Wang*, Xiuping Li, Jing Zhou, Zhidan Hu (2020), An integration of gauge, satellite and reanalysis precipitation datasets for the largest river basin of the Tibetan Plateau, Earth System Science Data, 12, 1789–1803, https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-12-1789-2020. (41) Tian Zeng, Lei Wang*, Xiuping Li, Lei Song, Xiaotao Zhang, Jing Zhou, Bing Gao, Ruishun Liu (2020), A new and simplified approach for estimating daily river discharge of the Tibetan Plateau using satellite precipitation: an initial study at the upper Brahmaputra River, Remote Sensing, 12, 2103; doi:10.3390/rs12132103. (42) Yuanyuan Yin, Lei Wang*, Zhongjing Wang, Qiuhong Tang, Shilong Piao, Deliang Chen, Jun Xia, Tobias Conradt, Junguo Liu, Yoshihide Wada, Ximing Cai, Zhenghui Xie, Qingyun Duan, Xiuping Li, Jing Zhou, Jianyun Zhang (2020), Quantifying Water Scarcity in northern China within the context of Climatic and Societal Changes and South-to-North Water Diversion, Earth’s Future. 8, e2020EF001492. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020EF001492. (43) Lei Liu, Dongliang Luo*, Lei Wang, Yadong Huang, Fangfang Chen (2020), Variability of soil freeze depth in association with climate change from 1901 to 2016 in the upper Brahmaputra River Basin, Tibetan Plateau, Theoretical and Applied Climatology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-020-03291-4. (44) Yufeng Dai*, Deliang Chen, Tandong Yao, Lei Wang* (2020), Large lakes over the Tibetan plateau may boost snow downwind: Implications for snow disaster, Science Bulletin, 65, 1713-1717. (45) Xiaoyang Zhong, Lei Wang*, Jing Zhou, Xiuping Li, Jia Qi, Lei Song, Yuanwei Wang (2020), Precipitation Dominates Long-Term Water Storage Changes in Nam Co Lake (Tibetan Plateau) Accompanied by Intensified Cryosphere Melts Revealed by a Basin-Wide Hydrological Modelling, Remote Sensing, 12(12), 1926; doi:10.3390/rs12121926. (46) Xin Li*, Tao Che, Xinwu Li, Lei Wang, Anmin Duan, Donghui Shangguan, Xiaoduo Pan, Miao Fang, Qing Bao (2020), CASEarth Poles: Big Data for the Three Poles. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, E1475-E1491, https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0280.1. (47) Kebede, M.G., L. Wang*; K. Yang, D. Chen, X. Li, T. Zeng, Z. Hu(2020), Discharge Estimates for Ungauged Rivers Flowing over Complex High-Mountainous Regions Based Solely on Remote Sensing-Derived Datasets. Remote Sensing, 12, 1064, doi:10.3390/rs12071064. (48) 范新凤,韩美*,王磊,李秀萍,周璟(2020),小清河入海口近十年水质变化及驱动因素分析,环境科学,41(4),1619-1628. DOI:10.13227/j.hjkx.201909074. (49) Dibit A., L. Wang*, Tirthal R. A., J. Zhou, X. Li, Maheswor S, Y. Wang, D. Chen (2020). Model-Based Flood Hazard Mapping on the Southern Slope of Himalaya. Water, 12(2).540; https://doi.org/10.3390/w12020540. (50) Kebede, M. G., L. Wang*, X. Li, Z. Hu(2020). Remote sensing-based river discharge estimation for a small river flowing over the high mountain regions of the Tibetan Plateau. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 41(9):3322-3345. (51) Qi J., L. Wang*, J. Zhou, L. Song, X. Li, T. Zeng (2019). Coupled Snow and Frozen Ground Physics Improves Cold Region Hydrological Simulations: An Evaluation at the Upper Yangtze River Basin (Tibetan Plateau). Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124(33): 12985-13004. (52) Mao R J., L. Wang*, J Zhou, X. Li, J Qi, X T Zhang (2019).Evaluation of Various Precipitation Products Using Ground-Based Discharge Observation at the Nujiang River Basin, China.Water,11(11),2308. (53) Bibi, S., L. Wang*, X. Li, X. Zhang, D. Chen (2019). Responses of groundwater storage and recharge in the Qaidam Basin (Tibetan Plateau) to climate variations from 2002 to 2016. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 123, https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JD030411. (54) Zeng, T., L. Wang*, Z. Zhang, Q. Wen, X. Wang, L. Yu (2019), An integrated land cover mapping method suitable for low-accuracy areas in global land cover maps. Remote Sensing, 11, 1777. (55) Wang, L.*, A.W. Sichangi, T. Zeng, X. Li, Z. Hu, M. Genanu (2019), New methods designed to estimate the daily discharges of rivers in the Tibetan Plateau, Science Bulletin, 64, 418-421. (56) 汤秋鸿*,兰措,苏凤阁,刘星才,孙赫,丁劲,王磊,冷国勇,张永强,桑燕芳,方海燕,张士锋,韩冬梅,刘小莽,贺莉,徐锡蒙,唐寅,Deliang Chen(2019),青藏高原河川径流变化及其影响研究进展,科学通报,64(27),2807-2821. (57) Zhang, X., L. Wang*, D. Chen (2019). How does temporal trend of reference evapotranspiration over the Tibetan Plateau change with elevation? International Journal of Climatology, 39, 2295-2305. (58) Sichangi, A.W., L. Wang*, Z. Hu (2018). 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Recent Third Pole’s rapid warming accompanies cryospheric melt and water cycle intensification and interactions between monsoon and environment: multi-disciplinary approach with observation, modeling and analysis. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 100(3), 423-444. (62) Liu, W.*, L. Wang, F. Sun*, Z. Li, H. Wang, J. Liu, T. Yang, J. Zhou, J. Qi (2018). Snow hydrology in the upper Yellow River basin under climate change: A land surface modeling perspective. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018JD028984. (63) Lei, Y.*, T. Yao, K. Yang, B.W. Bird, L. Tian, X. Zhang, W. Wang, Y. Xiang, Y. Dai, L. Zhu, J. Zhou, L. Wang (2018), An integrated investigation of lake storage and water level changes in the Paiku Co basin, central Himalayas, Journal of Hydrology, 562, 599-608. (64) Dong, W., Y. Lin*, J.S. Wright*, Y. Xie, Y. Ming, H. Zhang, R. Chen, Y. Chen*, F. Xu, N. Lin, C. Yu, B. Zhang, S. Jin, K. Yang, Z. Li, J. Guo, L. Wang, G. 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